Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Really Not Enough Time In My Day

Tonight as I put the girls to bed I realized that I did not buy the treat for Brooke's Christmas party tomorrow or Friday. Which means that I ran out to crazy Walmart tonight and had to be home in time for Tommy to go to work. I did it, but it got me thinking. This year is the most disorganized that I have ever been. I seem to be organized to others, but not the way I like. I don't know what went on that has made me seem to always be running behind, but I am going to change it starting now. I like to be organized and never behind, so I am going to take the time to make sure that is happening.

Tomorrow is already filled time-wise even though it is my first day of Christmas Break. I have a doctor's appointment at 11:15, pick up Tommy and go look at freezers because ours died this weekend, pick up a Christmas present, make a CD of pictures for Mick and Darla, pick up the girls, and go to Great Gramma's house to see Mick, Darla, and Sami since they are in town. All of that will put us home at bedtime. It's amazing how fast a day can fill up.

On a plus side, I really did only bring one project home from school to work on during break. This is really amazing for me. I set this goal and I stuck with it. ALLRIGHT!!!

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